Every customer has different nails and different prep requirements so using combined cuticle prep techniques of e-file and manual prep tools gives you the best and most tailored results for all of your clients.
We have teamed together our best selling cuticle prep e-file bits, along with our hero manual tools to give you the perfect cuticle prep every single time.
Whether you are working on sensitive skin, tough cuticle or nail biters, this kit offers you all of the tools to perform the perfect tailored prep results for your clients.
Lift cuticle and non living tissue from the nail plate using your chosen e-file prep bit, and tidy up, removing hangnails and cuticle using our best selling KB Curved Cuticle Scissors. Clean up e-file dust and cuticle tissue build up using KB Curette to leave you with a flawless, clean nail plate ready for application every time.
Kit contains:
- KB Cuticle Pusher E-File Bit F
- KB Cuticle Lift Bit E-File F
- KB The Erin Cuticle Push & Lift E-File Bit M
- KB The Tiny Cuticle Lift E-File Bit M
- KB Curved Cuticle Scissors
- KB Curette